DIY Ice Dam Removal + Prevention

There are many methods and products on the market to try and prevent and remove ice dams. Some of them work well, others are a waste of time and money, and a few may even put your roof or home at risk. We’ve put together this page to help you make smart decisions the next time winter hits hard or you spot an ice dam on your roof.

The Good:

  • Prevention Method
    If you can get snow off of your roof, then there is nothing for either your hot roof or mother nature to melt. No melting snow, means no re-freezing, which means no ice dams! . You don’t need to remove the snow every time it snows, but if you see 3” of snow on your roof you may want to remove it. At 6”, you’ll definitely want to get the snow off of your roof.

    IF you are going to get up on your roof with a shovel, remember:

    1. It should be a plastic shovel to avoid damaging your roof.

    2. Think twice before getting up there. Yes, we take shovels up on the roof with us to remove as much snow as possible before we start steaming an ice dam away, but we’re trained, insured professionals. You could damage you singles, fall off your roof and hurt yourself or worse.

    Remember: a shovel is an ice dam prevention product, not an ice dam removal product. Unfortunately, once an ice dam has formed, you need professional help.

  • Prevention Method
    If you can get snow off of your roof, then there is nothing for either your hot roof or mother nature to melt. No melting snow, means no re-freezing, which means no ice dams! You don’t need to remove the snow every time it snows, but if you see 3” of snow on your roof you may want to remove it. At 6”, you’ll definitely want to get the snow off of your roof.

    If there is one product we would recommend to homeowners it would be a roof rake (others call them a snow broom).

    When looking to invest in a roof rake, choose a plastic roof rake or one with small rollers on it. Do NOT purchase anything with metal on it to avoid damaging your shingles.

    To remove the snow with a roof rake, stand on the ground (or ladder) and slowly pull the snow off of your roof.

    IF you are going to get up on a ladder with a roof rake, think twice before getting up there. Yes, we climb ladders with roof rakes all the time, but we’re trained, insured professionals. You could damage you singles, fall off your roof and hurt yourself or worse.

    Remember: a roof rake is an ice dam prevention product, not an ice dam removal product. Unfortunately, once an ice dam has formed, you need professional help.

  • Prevention Method (for leaks)
    If you are installing a new roof, ask your roofer to install ice and water shielding on every available surface. It will cost more, but the investment is worth it.

    This won’t prevent ice dams from forming, but it will stop leaks. If you can keep the water from coming into your home or business, then you would only have to worry about removing an ice dam if it grows heavy enough to threaten a collapse.

    You have some ice and water shielding on your home now—Minnesota code requires it, but it only runs from the drip edge of your overhang to approximately two feet past your first interior wall.

  • Prevention Method
    Your auditor will talk about all the places you are losing energy, including what you need to fix to keep your roof from getting hot in the winter.

    As long as you invest the money and follow all of their suggestions, you will drastically reduce your chances of ice dams forming.

    Please note the word reduce, not eliminate. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done about the weather conditions. If temperatures are rising above freezing during the day and plunging again at night, ice dams could form, even if you have done everything correctly.

  • Removal Method
    Steam is the only safe and effective way to remove an ice dam. It won’t damage your roof and it won’t make leaks worse.

    Technically, if you have $7,000+ to burn, you could buy a steamer. However, you can’t buy the training to use the steamer and it takes training to do the job correctly. You also have insurance to think about if something were to go wrong.

    So, ask yourself: why would you put your life at risk? People have been lost in this industry; it’s dangerous work up on a slippery roof and things can and do go wrong.

    If an ice dam has formed in spite of your best efforts, reach for the phone and let a professional ice dam removal specialists assist you in protecting yourself, your family and your home.

The Bad:

  • Prevention Method
    Heat cables go by many names: heat tape, heat wire, even snow melt mats.

    Regardless of the name, manufacturer or the price point, the concept is the same: lay a bunch of hot cables or mats along your roof to melt ice and snow.

    Unfortunately, these products never get hot enough to do much good. If they did, they would be a fire hazard and wouldn’t be allowed to be sold.

    If you’ve researched ice dams, you already know that hot roofs are the biggest culprit when it comes to ice dam creation. If you don’t want your roof getting hot from the inside, then you don’t want it getting hot from the outside either.

    Unfortunately, people who invest in these heat cables end up getting ice dams anyway. The reason is that the cables indeed melt some of the snow, it just never makes it to the ground. The snow then finds its way to another spot on the roof or hits the edge of your overhang where heat cables can’t go and the result - an ice dam.

    Don’t waste your time and money on this one!

  • Prevention Method
    Gutter guards do nothing to prevent ice dams and do not cause ice dams. Companies that say gutter guards prevent ice dams either do not understand how they form, or are simply trying to make money off of you.

    Gutters extend your home’s overhang, which can offer more space for an ice dam to form. Ice dams can work their way under just about any gutter guard and actually get in the way of ice dam removal.

    Heated gutter guards have the same problem as you’d see with heat cables (see the question above). You’ll melt some snow, but it will refreeze as soon as it gets away from the gutter guard and now you’ll have an even bigger ice problem than you did before.

  • Removal Method
    Most salt pucks or salt bricks use sodium chloride (aka rock salt, aka halite) or calcium chloride to melt ice, which can cause numerous issues down the line. These products discolor shingles, walkways, retaining walls and have the potential to corrode roofing nails, kill landscaping, and negatively impact the environment as they melt off the roof and seep into the ground.

    If that isn’t enough, salt pucks will leave behind a bunch of perfectly round holes in the ice around the puck and ice dams will simply form around these holes because they can never melt enough snow or ice to get the job done properly.

    Don’t waste your time and money on this one!

  • Removal Method
    The idea is to fill up a bunch of pantyhose with salt and lay them along the edges of your roof and in your gutters to melt the ice. Pantyhose filled with salt have the same problems as you’d see with salt pucks/bricks (see the question above).

    Don’t waste your time and money on this one!

  • Removal Method
    Ice melt and heated ice melt have the same problems as you’d see with salt pucks/bricks and the pantyhose trick (see the questions above).

    Don’t waste your time and money on this one!

  • Removal Method
    Hot water could get your ice dam off your roof. Unfortunately, unless your hot water heater is an industrial-capacity appliance you will never generate enough hot water to get the job finished properly.

  • Removal Method
    Some frustrated homeowners are ready to go to war against their ice dam and they’re going to win if it’s the last thing they do!

    If you need more information why any of the above are a bad idea, feel free to contact us and we will fill you in on why none of these methods are safe or effective.

    Call/Text: 320.266.7299